We are very proud that Indonesia gained trust from the United Nations (UN) members as the Leader of the UN Security Council from the representative state of Asia Pacific Region. For the fourth time, Indonesia has been elected as a member of the Council for the Period 2018 – 2019. And, for the first time, on 7 May 2019, Indonesia acted as the Leader for the UN Security Council.
Historically, the UN members chose Indonesia as one of the non-permanent UN members for the first time in 1973. Indonesia’s status as a non-permanent member of the UN continued for the second time for the period of 1995/1996. Its UN non-permanent member also stayed for the third time for the period of 2007/2008.

International Diplomacy of Batik during the UN Security Council Meeting, on 7th May 2019 (Courtesy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of RI, https://news.detik.com/foto-news/d-4540627/unik-potret-peserta-sidang-dewan-keamanan-pbb-kompak-berbatik)
Table of Contents (Daftar Isi)
International Diplomacy of Batik
Apart from the complicated agenda of the UN members discussing the world peace issue, something exciting we could see is the outfits of the participant. Half of them wore batik and weaving clothes from Indonesia. We could see various motifs and colors of batik from the photographs shared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia in social media and media. So, the choice of batik and weaving clothes as the dress code on 7th May reflects how batik has been successfully won the heart of the world through its soft international diplomacy. Moreover, batik is already famous over the world, and UNESCO has bestowed it as one of the world’s cultural heritage.
Family Educational Trips in Indonesia
So, travelers who would like to have Family Educational Trips in Indonesia, you could choose the theme of batik and weaving clothes. Through this article, we would like to discuss some regions that you could visit for your Family Educational Trips in Indonesia. Check more below:
In Indonesia, batik is the choice of all people, whether from ordinary people to nobles as well as politicians.
Moreover, batik is the best option when you are confused about what to wear for an event. And you could wear batik for a wedding party, office event, school celebration, and many others. Besides, it is available in some types of fabrics with a price range from cheap one up to the luxury one. You could find it in traditional markets, malls, boutiques, and galleries. Furthermore, it is rich in motifs and colors with pictures of animals plantations, or even abstracts.
History of Batik
According to historical records, batik was found for the first time during the Era of Majapahit Kingdom. Then, it continued to the Mataram Kingdom, especially at Pekalongan or Mojokerto Districts. However, batik developed rapidly during the Eighth and Ninth Century to the west part of Java Island, among others Cirebon, Kebumen, Tegal, and others. While, in the east part of Java Island, batik is very famous during the Era of Surakarta Kingdom (Solo) and the Yogyakarta Kingdom.
Initially, it was produced as written batik using natural colors. However, during its development, the printing batik began into production since the 1920-s with the entry of chemicals from China. Furthermore, the motif and color of batik are also influenced by Peranakan Ethnic (Chinese Ethnic). Besides, batik not only can be found in Java Island, but it is also available in Sumatra Island, Bali Island, Kalimantan Island, or Papua Island with their charming characteristics.
Family Educational Trips in Indonesia: Visit Pekalongan and Yogyakarta
So, for travelers who would like to have Family Educational Trips in Indonesia, you could choose to visit Pekalongan and Yogyakarta and some other destinations to learn about batik and weaving clothes.

      International Batik Center, Pekalongan
Edu-tourism: Batik Pekalongan
Pekalongan is one of batik city that you could visit. Firstly, we could visit the Batik Museum, which was established on 12 July 2006. Occupied an old building with Old Dutch architecture, it has around hundreds collection of batik, from ancient one up to the modern design. Besides, you could see also the selection of tools and machines for batik and weaving. Moreover, the Museum facilitates visitors for batik workshops as well as research.
Secondly, we could go to the International Batik Center (IBC) and Setono Batik Wholesale Center. At IBC, you could hunt batik clothes at an affordable price. While at Setono, you could purchase various stuff with batik motifs, such as table runner or batik curtains. Thirdly, there are Batik Village Kauman and Wiradesa. You could join the batik class and learn from the locals. Lastly, don’t miss to visit Oey Soe Tjoen Batik, the legend of Batik Pekalongan. What very unique is a picture of the batik could be different in colors in the morning and afternoon. And, to produce such batik, they need years. No wonder the price is high. However, it is a favorite of many collectors from over the world.
In addition to Family Educational Trips in Indonesia, you could continue your trip to Malang or Banyuwangi. Therefore, you could combine your holiday with Bromo Sunrise Tour or Ijen Blue Fire.
Tour of Batik Yogyakarta
Unlike Pekalongan or other regions, Yogyakarta also has its characteristics of batik. For our Family Educational Trips in Indonesia to learn batik in Yogyakarta, we could firstly visit the Batik Museum. So, Yogyakarta also has its own Batik Museum, which facilitates batik class for its visitors. Secondly, you could join the batik workshop at Batik Village Giriloyo Imogiri. This village is very famous among travelers, especially for learning batik. Thirdly, Yogyakarta has Sanggar Berani Usaha at Sleman District. This spot is very suitable for entrepreneurs who want to start a batik business. Therefore, the locals at Sanggar Berani Usaha create batik class from the basic level up to advance level. Fourthly, we learn how to paint batik from local painters at Batik Seno Gallery, the biggest one in Yogyakarta.
After having Family Educational Trips in Indonesia with batik class, you could explore Yogyakarta more. Among others by joining Andong Tour at Borobudur Temple or watching Ramayana Ballet in the evening at Prambanan Temple. And, YoExplore has designed a unique outbound trip for family and company by combining rafting adventure and batik workshop.
Read Also: 5 Adventures Trip in Yogyakarta
Jakarta: Textil Museum
For you who have not had time to visit any regions outside Jakarta, so you could still have Family Educational Trips in Indonesia at Textile Museum Jakarta. The Textile Museum Jakarta is a cultural-reserved site which has been established since 1975. It has thousands of batik collection. One which is unique is hand-written batik with Arab Caligraphy. Moreover, you could learn batik as well as natural coloring class at Pewarna Alam Park. The park located in the backyard of the Museum.
Besides, for hunting batik for your collection or souvenirs, you could visit Alun-Alun Indonesia, Thamrin City, or Sarinah.