YOEXPLORE, Bali. For a family with toddlers, life is colorful. there are times that you will have the beautiful angels in your dining room, and other times when the kids start to show their mischievous side. However, having a toddler or even younger kids is not a reason to stop traveling. Yes, there will be a bit extra effort but the result will worth the effort. I would like to share some useful things to pack when you are traveling to Bali with toddlers.
Table of Contents (Daftar Isi)
Clothes to Adjust The Climate in Bali
Bali is part of Indonesian Archipelago that has a tropical climate. The weather is hot, with the sun shining all over the year. The hot weather complemented by humid air condition. The high humidity will make you and your kids feel the hot air but the body perspiration will evaporate at the slower rate. That is the reason why you feel more uncomfortable. What you can do to anticipate this is to change your child’s clothes more frequently, so that they will feel dry and comfortable. Please remember to pack more clothes for your kids before traveling to Bali with toddlers.
Choosing the clothes that you should pack is also important. Please remember to choose loose and light-colored clothes. In addition, you should choose cotton-based clothes to ensure that clothes will absorb the perspiration. Avoid choosing the dark-colored clothes as they will absorb the heat and make you feel even hotter. Tight clothes should also be avoided as well as any synthetic clothes material such as rayon and spandex as they will not absorb the perspiration.
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Some toddlers get sick easily in a new environment, so, bring some basic medications that your children usually take is a must. Why is it important to bring your child medications if you are traveling with toddlers to Bali? The reason is that you might not find the same medicine here in Bali. You might find the same medicine in the different brand, but the dosage might be different. For some specific medications, you might not find the same medicine due to the unavailability of its ingredients in this country.
Another reason is that some medicines you can buy over the counter in your country might need a doctor’s prescription in Bali. This will require you to visit General Practitioner (GP) or may visit a specialist in a hospital. It may also add an extra cost to your vacation in Bali. Make sure that you have packed your medicines in a good way to allow you to easily reach it if you are needed to report it to the airport officers in the customs area.
Your Kids Favorite Things
We all know that toddlers usually have their favorite things. It can be their stuffed animal, pillows, or even blanket. Do you realize that your kids may not be able to sleep without their favorite stuff? If yes, please remember to bring the stuff. This will help you a lot with your toddler sleep cycle. Your kids may experience jet lag and usually, the condition is worse than the adult. When the kid’s sleep cycle is interrupted, they will get cranky and it may cause the infamous tantrum. So by giving your kids their favorite stuff to sleep with, they will overcome the sleeping disorder easier. When they can overcome their sleeping problem, you will also get the benefit to make your traveling to Bali with toddlers much easier.
Baby Carrier and Diapers Change Mat
For younger children, you might consider bringing a stroller to Bali. Actually, that’s a good idea, but I advise you to bring your baby carrier too. The sidewalks in Bali are not really stroller friendly and there are many interesting places with lots of stairs. Baby carriers will be very helpful when you visit this kind of place. You can leave your stroller at the hotel when you visit such places. A baby carrier will make it easier for you to explore the places you want when you are traveling to Bali with toddlers.
Another important thing to bring is the diapers changing mats. While some places in Bali provide a good place for changing diapers, some places are not so sophisticated. By having your own mat you will be able to change diapers with an easy mind. You do not need to worry about the skin of your children may be disturbed by the surface of the mat that you do not know whether it is safe or not.
Sun Protection- Traveling to Bali with Toddlers
The sun is very generous in Bali. You can enjoy the sun for 365 days a year. You can enjoy the sun with your family, but do not forget to protect yourself from the UV rays. Sunscreen is very essential to protect yourself from the damaging UV. There are plenty of sunscreen creams in stores here, but if your kids have sensitive skin and usually use a certain sunscreen product, do not forget to put plenty of this products into your bag before traveling to Bali with toddlers.
Another important sun protection for your beloved kids is a hat. A wide-brimmed hat will be a very good protection for your kids. It will protect the face and the upper back from the sunburn. However, even though you have used this hat to protect the face area, the sunblock application is still very important.
Health Insurance

Insurance card
Yes, you read it right! I advise you to have a good health insurance when you are traveling to Bali with Toddler. When you are in a new environment, you might contact with some diseases because your body is not used to deal with the new condition. One of the common sicknesses could be faced by your kids during traveling is diarrhea. It seems a simple sickness, but in some cases, it might need further medication in a hospital and it might cost you an arm and a leg! The medication fee is not really cheap in Bali, so having an insurance protection will be a very wise decision. For sure no one wants to get sick during their vacation, but in my opinion, preparing for such a condition especially when you are in a different country will help you a lot.
I think that some important things that you should pack when traveling to Bali with toddlers. I hope this information will help you to be more prepared for your holiday. Should you have something to add, do not hesitate to write it down in the comment section.